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Website terms

This website is provided by Volciuc-Ionescu. By using this website you are deemed to accept the following terms and conditions (“this website” means the whole or any part of the web pages located at, and include the layout of this website; individual elements of this website’s design; underlying code elements of the website; or text, sounds, graphics, animated elements or any other content of this website).

Volciuc-Ionescu may change these terms of use at any time without notice. Any amendment will be effective immediately. Accordingly, you should read these terms of use from time to time for changes.

Terms of use

By accessing this website, you agree:

  • not to use this website or its content in contravention of any regulation or legislation;
  • not to copy, amend, reproduce or distribute the content, or disclose the content to third parties, other than in compliance with our copyright section below;
  • not to advertise or sell any goods or services to other users of this website or to benefit commercially from its content; and
  • that you are responsible for any material you send to or upload to this website and that such material is legal, is not offensive and it does not infringe our rights, those of third parties or the provisions of the legal notices.

Limitations and Exclusions of our Liability

Our website and its contents are provided for general information purposes only and nothing on this website or in its contents (such as the news and insights) is intended to provide legal or other professional advice. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on information or materials published on this website. If you wish to find out more about the information in the materials published, please contact us by email (

Volciuc-Ionescu makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, timeliness, comprehensiveness and accuracy of the information, services and other content contained on this website. Volciuc-Ionescu may, from time to time, change or add to this website without notice. However, we do not undertake to keep this website updated. Volciuc-Ionescu is not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information on this website or if any information is not up-to-date.

Save in respect of liability for death or personal injury arising out of negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation, Volciuc-Ionescu shall not be liable directly or indirectly in contract, tort, equity or otherwise for any damage whatsoever in connection with this website or any use of content provided on this website, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damage (including but not limited to loss of profits, interest, data, business revenue, anticipated savings, business or goodwill).

User rights and intellectual property rights

This website is our copyright property. All rights are reserved.

You are provided with access to it only for your personal and non-commercial use. You may print or save copies of the content of this website for your own personal use and you may provide copies to others for information purposes, on the basis that:

  • you do so on an occasional basis and free of charge;
  • the copies are not tampered with in any way; and
  • the recipient is made aware of the terms of this copyright section.

Any other reproduction, transmission and storing of all or part of this website and the materials available through it, in any medium, without the written permission of Volciuc-Ionescu, is prohibited.

All rights in this website and the content on this website including copyright, design rights, patents, inventions, knowhow, database rights, trade marks, source codes and any other intellectual property rights in any of the foregoing are reserved to Volciuc-Ionescu and/or their content and technology providers.

Nothing contained on the website should be construed as granting any licence or right of use of any other person’s or entity’s trade mark which is displayed on this website without their express permission.


This website may contain links to other websites solely for your convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained. Volciuc-Ionescu does not endorse, recommend or approve of any information, products or services referred to on such linked sites and assumes no responsibility for the contents of any other website to which this website offers links.

We do not endorse nor are we responsible for the contents of websites operated by others that link to this website.

You may not link the homepage or any other parts of this website without prior written consent from Volciuc-Ionescu.

Unless stated otherwise on this website, Volciuc-Ionescu has:

  • no relationship with the owners or operators of those linked website; and
  • no control over or rights in those linked website.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions and any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim of whatever nature arising out of or in any way relating to these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Romanian law and the courts of Romania shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any disputes between us relating to these terms and conditions.

Privacy and Cookies

These terms of use incorporate, and should be read together with, the Volciuc-Ionescu Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.